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Complaints Policy and Procedure

If you have a complaint, you may use the communication methods available in the Contact section, in order to communicate with a representative of the Company who will assist and guide you accordingly with ultimate purpose the immediate resolution of the issue.

The Company will take all reasonable steps to resolve any reported issue promptly.

If for some reason you are not satisfied with the resolution of your complaint, you have the right to forward this complaint to National Betting Authority of Cyprus, Address: Digeni Akrita 83, 1070, Nicosia, Telephone Number: +357 22881800, Email:

In accordance with Directive 20/2017 Procedure for Submission and Examination of Complaints (the "Directive"), the Authority proceeded to establish a three-member committee to examine complaints (the "Committee").

The complaints procedure is conducted in accordance with the Directive as set out below:

(a) copy of the potential violation or complaint is sent to the licensee against whom the complaint is made.

(b) The person against whom the complaint is made is called to submit his position, in person or in writing.

(c) The Committee may:


  • (1) Call witnesses and demand their attendance, the attendance of the person against whom the complaint is made as well as the complainant,
  • (2) Accept any testimony, written or oral, even if such testimony would not have been admitted in any civil or criminal proceedings,
  • (3) Require the presentation of any document or other evidence connected to the case.


(d) The person against whom the complaint is made has the right to proceed with the following if so demanded by the Committee:


  • (1) Submit a written statement to the Authority and/or to the complainant in the form of a reply to the complaint,
  • (2) Submit to the Authority and/or to the complainant copies of any relevant document in his possession, either in original form or as certified copy of its authenticity, as well as any correspondence between the two parties concerned regarding the complaint or violation.

Thereafter, following completion of the above procedure, the Committee shall submit its findings to the Authority, fully justified, and shall also submit all relevant evidence for the purpose of reaching a decision.

The decision of the Authority is notified in writing to both parties involved

In addition, if you have any query regarding any transaction, you may contact the Company via, giving the details of your query. The Company will review each question and questionable transaction. Subsequently, any decision of the Company will be considered final.

Version 1

The Complaints Policy has been approved by EAS on 25/05/2023

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OPAP SPORTS Limited, with registration number HE133603, is a Cypriot company registered at 128-130 Lemesos Avenue, 1st floor, 2015 Strovolos, Nicosia. Betting activities are licensed and regulated by the National Betting Authority of Cyprus under Class B bookmaker’s license: B017-01/01/2025. This website is operated by OPAPBET, a registered trademark of OPAP SPORTS Ltd.

Participation in games of chance may cause addiction and have an adverse economic impact. Play responsibly. Access to persons under 18 years of age is strictly prohibited. Anyone who invites, encourages or allows a minor to participate in betting activities is guilty of a criminal offence.

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